

The zine that is not.
Writer Ruby Dellas recently launched not-for-profit local magazine, The Nude Baguette. Featuring 54 pages of stylised writing, poetry, art and photography, the guerilla-style publication operates as a creative outlet and carrier for women living on the Sapphire Coast, New South Wales.

The Nude Baguette is a fully crowdsourced and professionally published outlet. Editorially, it runs the gamut of issues and experiences relevant to Australian women, including the LGBTQ community and national politics. It also explores themes centering around religion, mental health, and the gender pay gap.

But before the first three editions of “The Nude Baguette”, there was essentially the same idea, except it was called “Olive”. And before Leslie knew what he was doing, he had designed a logo for said Olive magazine. “Just to see“. Then it was forgotten. Not having asked enough questions about the content, it looks more like it would be more appropriate for food magazine logo. In any case, we still like it, so it enters our portfolio nonetheless.

grasshopper algorithmic modelling logo concept
New grasshopper logo concept in various shades of green.

What does LogoBrain do?

LogoBrain specialises in logo design for small to medium-sized businesses. A well-designed logo does a lot more than “look pretty. It’s so much more than that…

A professionally-designed logo identifies the company, clarifies what they do and distinguishes them from the competition. It adds a layer of trust amongst your customers and reinforces the quality of your product or service. It boosts gross sales revenue, increases profit margins and enhances something called brand equity – the value of your tribe, your name, your business, your net worth.

A great logo is also memorable; easy to print or publish; and can be scaled up to the size of an airplane (or down to the size of an computer icon) without loss of quality.

Logobrain delivers exactly those sort of clever logos you wish you’d thought of. That’s the logobrain brand promise. If you choose us for your next project you won’t be disappointed.