Fishbone consulting


The Fishbone team has been responsible for creating and leading world-class technology Sourcing teams that deliver cost savings, lower risk, and improved process to each project and client.

Logo brain devised a logo made of simple short lines in the form something of a fish spine. All of line elements are angled consistently and fit within a neat little hexagon. At the same time, it behaves like a directional arrow that points towards the right, to the future. We like this logo because it is modern. Simple. Minimalist. It has consistency. Constancy. It can be printed big or small or any size in between without loss of quality or legibility.

fishbone consulting logo
Fishbone consulting logo.

What does LogoBrain do?

LogoBrain specialises in logo design for small to medium-sized businesses. A well-designed logo does a lot more than “look pretty. It’s so much more than that…

A professionally-designed logo identifies the company, clarifies what they do and distinguishes them from the competition. It adds a layer of trust amongst your customers and reinforces the quality of your product or service. It boosts gross sales revenue, increases profit margins and enhances something called brand equity – the value of your tribe, your name, your business, your net worth.

A great logo is also memorable; easy to print or publish; and can be scaled up to the size of an airplane (or down to the size of an computer icon) without loss of quality.

Logobrain delivers exactly those sort of clever logos you wish you’d thought of. That’s the logobrain brand promise. If you choose us for your next project you won’t be disappointed.